It is yet unclear what the former director/writer/designer will be working on next

Jan 6, 2014 07:08 GMT  ·  By

Clint Hocking has left Valve, at the end of 2013. In addition to working as a game developer, he also has a strong gaming community presence, being an advocate for games as an emerging art form.

Hocking previously worked as level designer, scriptwriter and game director of the initial Splinter Cell stealth game and creative director of Far Cry 2, and it is unclear exactly what his position was with Valve.

Initially working at Ubisoft from 2001 up until 2010, he joined LucasArts as a creative director on an unannounced project that went under when the publisher announced it was closing.

He then joined up with Valve during mid-2012, stating on his website that he was working as a designer and level designer, although the exact project he was assigned was not specified.

According to Clint Hocking's LinkedIn profile, he left Valve at the end of 2013, and no information is yet available regarding what he may be up to now.

Clint Hocking is also writing a monthly column over at Edge Magazine.