The company might continue to support the shooter through updates

Aug 29, 2012 11:45 GMT  ·  By

The reaction that the player base has to the last two pieces of downloadable content, Aftermatch and Endgame, will determine how developer DICE will handle the future of Battlefield 3, according to one of the main developers working on it.

Niklas Fegraeus, who is the lead designer working on DICE, has told AusGamers that, “Well, when we get to Aftermath in December we have End Game coming in March, and that is the five announced DLCs that we have. And whatever happens after that, the future will tell.”

Battlefield 3 was a big hit for DICE and Electronic Arts and the two companies have offered long-term support for it with balance changes and five solid DLC packages.

Fegraeus added, “We will support the players wherever they will go, that’s kind of the commitment that we make, and wherever that is, that’s where it is. And we just stick to that, and make sure that we support it all too.”

Armored Kill will be launched on September 4 for Premium members on the PlayStation 3, with those playing on the PC and the Xbox 360 getting it a week later.