The studio did not file those trademarks

Nov 6, 2014 10:33 GMT  ·  By

Bethesda steps forward and confirms that yesterday's trademark filings for Fallout: Shadow of Boston are a hoax, as they weren't forwarded by its legal representatives.

Bethesda has been rumored to be working on Fallout 4 for quite some time, as after the studio finished working on The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim back in 2011, the whole team went silent and refrained from discussing what it was actually developing.

In recent months, there have been quite a few elaborate hoaxes relating to the potential Fallout 4 project from Bethesda, and yesterday a new potential fake appeared, this time in the form of trademark filings for something called Fallout: Shadow of Boston, allegedly made by Bethesda in Germany, the UK, or Europe overall.

In order to dispel any rumors and keep fans up to date, Bethesda confirms on Twitter that the actual trademark filings are fake and weren't made by legal representatives of the studio.

As such, fans shouldn't expect a new Fallout: Shadow of Boston title to be announced anytime soon.

Considering Bethesda's previous track record, the studio will only confirm something when it's close to the actual release date, as it wants to showcase near-final games that won't change before they become available for purchase.