Various DLC packs will be released in the near future

Oct 22, 2013 11:05 GMT  ·  By

Lionhead wants to deliver with Fable Legends a living and breathing environment in which the story of the regular game will be continued through downloadable episodes after its launch.

Fable Legends was revealed earlier this summer as the next big experience in the series and one that took things into an online direction, supporting four-player cooperative gameplay.

The story in the game will be a great one, according to Director David Eckelberry, who talked with IGN, but it will be enhanced via episodic DLC after the game's actual release.

"We don't want Fable Legends to stop when you finish the game. You should think about seasons and episodes. Fable Legends might just be Season One and we can add new quests and stories in the future, in the form of DLC for example."

As such, players who jump into Fable Legends should expect the experience to enhance with the launch of DLC.