The mode is continuing to increase in popularity and delivers a lot of revenue

Sep 5, 2014 07:57 GMT  ·  By

Nick Channon, one of the leading developers working on FIFA 15, says that the Ultimate Team mode in FIFA 15 will feel entirely different even for long-term fans because of new features like Concepts Squads and friendly season play.

He tells VG247 that “we can now play each other online. And we’ve got the concept squad idea, where you can go to any player in the database, look at them and create what you want as your squad. You can go into the database, put them into your team, see what it does to chemistry, and then see if you can get them on the transfer market.”

Gamers can also choose to take superstar players, who might be inaccessible to them, on loan for a limited number of matches in order to give their team a limited time boost.

Ultimate Team for FIFA 15 will be one of the main attractions of the coming game, and Electronic Arts sees it as one of the main elements that will allow it to increase revenue generated by digital content delivery.

The football simulation will be launched in late September on the PC, the PlayStation 4, the Xbox One and last-gen consoles.

Gamers can expect smarter players, more realism for the ball physics and improved goalkeepers.