The upcoming multiplayer shooter is set in the same universe as the horror thriller FEAR

May 20, 2014 09:09 GMT  ·  By

Publisher Aeria Games has announced that the upcoming free-to-play horror shooter F.E.A.R Online will be entering the closed beta phase on May 26.

F.E.A.R Online is a team-based multiplayer shooter of the horror variety, offering a wide range of game modes and various interior decoration touches such as bodies impaled on hooks and friendly messages written in blood.

The upcoming game also features some cooperative scenarios that take place in parallel to F.E.A.R 2: Project Origin's storyline, offering the chance for up to four players to engage in battle against both horrible monsters as well as the horrible Armacham personnel.

Developer Inplay Interactive has taken all the feedback received during the game's alpha phase into account, and as such the beta will incorporate a large number of improvements.

Players who are familiar with the game will find that the title has undergone and extensive redesign effort, and that the beta will come with a wide array of gameplay changes, along with new content in the form of new maps, a new scenario and an overhauled weapon crafting system.

Players interested in finding more about F.E.A.R Online can check out the game's official website, where they can also sign up for free for the upcoming beta testing phase, set to debut on May 26.