Playing Rome II, Beyond: Two Souls, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and Batman games

Oct 18, 2013 18:46 GMT  ·  By

Andrei Dumitrescu: There are two more weeks to go until Sports Interactive launches Football Manager 2014, which will prompt me to take my last days of vacation for the year in order to spend at least 100 hours with the new release.

That means that I need to spend my time wisely and make sure that any other title I am interested in is completed or in a state where I can abandon it to satisfy my football management addiction.

For the weekend, I will spend a little more time with Beyond: Two Souls, the emotion-filled experience from Quantic Dream and Sony, trying to explore its choices a little more and wrap up my interest in Jodie Holmes and Aiden.

I will also play more Total War: Rome II, enjoying the improved experience offered by the new patches and trying to find a suitable strategy that can keep Epirus alive while fighting Macedon, Rome and the various independent tribes at the same time.

Andrei Dobra: My weekend is probably going to see me spend some time with Batman: Arkham Asylum and Arkham City, as the recent transition from the dreaded Games for Windows Live to Steam has made them playable on my computer.

For some reason or another, despite countless workarounds, Games for Windows Live can't work well on my PC, rendering quite a few games that use it, like Grand Theft Auto IV or Gears of War 1, unplayable.

Now, I finally get the chance to go through Asylum and City on my PC, and I'll take my time as I already completed them on the PlayStation 3 when they first appeared.

When I am not controlling the Caped Crusader, I'll probably go back to Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, as the Bravo maps are still quite a lot of fun and the loot that drops at the end of matches results in a nice profit.