Time traveling soldier

Jul 2, 2010 20:41 GMT  ·  By

Andrei Dumitrescu: Singularity might not immediately be the most engaging first person shooter at first but I have loved Raven's work since I was a kid and I couldn't let their latest original release pass me by.

Singularity seemed an intriguing game in late 2009, before it was delayed by publisher Activision, with a string of videos that played up the conspiracy story behind it. Singularity will certainly not get a lot of attention, with the launch date coming so close to E3 and with the press talking about newly announced projects. I will continue to play it and see whether the time manipulation mechanics manage to live up to the expectations.

And when first person shooting is too much, I plan to drop into some grand strategy, with Hearts of Iron 3 and the Semper Fi expansion. A new patch is in the works fixing most of the remaining issues with the game and there are a host of promising mods to try out if you are interested in World War II going more historical than Paradox intended. Those who are interested can try out both DiDay's I.C.E. : Iron Cross Edition and The Historical Plausibility Project.

Mihail Cernea: My weekend is reserved for Disciples III: Renaissance, a fantasy turn based strategy with strong role playing game elements. I am a big fan of both the Heroes of Might and Magic and Disciples series, so I am bound to have a fun weekend. I'll probably play as the Elven Alliance, as I have always had a soft spot for the long eared tree huggers.

I will also be playing Trine on my PC with two friends. It becomes even more fun than the single player game. Just add two gamepads and go wild solving puzzles and fighting skeletons together. The great cooperative local multiplayer of this title makes me look forward to the sequel.