Playing FM 2014, Game of Thrones, Tiny Brains, Castle Storm

Jan 3, 2014 20:11 GMT  ·  By

Andrei Dumitrescu: 2014 is now upon us, a new year with great new video games on the horizon and the promise of more announcements, more news and more interesting titles to follow and play.

But after a midweek pause that was dominated by culinary and alcoholic excesses, I plan to return to my comfort games this weekend, trying to come to terms with the promise and the potential dangers of the new year.

Football Manager 2014 implemented a patch just in time for Christmas that managed to radically change the way the tactics work and the matches play out.

My classic 4-4-2 Liverpool team is now more successful than before and I am currently nearing the end of 2017 and I am making a final push to win that Champions League trophy that has eluded me for months.

I am also continuing to work hard in Game of Thrones Ascent, the social game based on the R.R. Martin world, feeling like I am part of a greater effort as my alliance tries to win one of the biggest battles that the title has ever seen.

Andrei Dobra: This weekend I'm going to spend some time with Tiny Brains, the new puzzle title, and some more time with quite a few different games that I bought during the Steam Sale, including Castle Storm or Trackmania 2 Stadium.

Tiny Brains wasn't on my radar up until recently when the special co-op puzzle title appeared for the PC as well as for the PS4. While it looks promising, I need quite a bit of time with it in order to form an opinion.

I'll also go back to Castle Storm this weekend, as after completing the main campaign during the winter holidays, I now want to tackle the add-ons that are available for the delighting 2.5D physics simulator.

When I am not solving puzzles or waging war, I'll probably jump into Trackmania 2: Stadium and explore the rich racing game developed by Nadeo and Ubisoft.