Jan 21, 2011 21:31 GMT  ·  By

Andrei Dumitrescu: This week has seen the launch of the Druids expansion for King Arthur – The Role Playing Wargame from Neocore Games and Paradox Interactive, which we have already reviewed on Softpedia.

This weekend I plan to play through the original and the Saxons expansion a bit to get a full picture of the game so that I can put it behind and focus on watching the information that the developers are offering on the sequel, King Arthur II, which promises to deliver a darker fantasy world, better combat and bigger enemies to take on in tactical combat.

And because Relic and THQ have announced that they will be offering a multiplayer beta stage for the Retribution expansion for Dawn of War II I plan to also jump into some games of Chaos Rising, both against the A.I. and other humans, trying to polish off my rather limited skill set so I am ready to take on some heretics in righteous Space Marines featuring battle after February 1.

Andrei Dobra: This weekend will be filled with the noble fantasy adventures from Dragon Age: Origins, as well as the intense high speed races of Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit.

I want to finish off my playthrough of Dragon Age: Origins this week, but this means that I need to complete quite a lot of side quests that have been filling up my log.

After the end of the campaign, I'll probably dabble in some of the add-on campaigns released for it, like Witch Hunt or Leilana's Song, before making the jump to the Dragon Age: Awakening expansion.

When I'm not trying to hit dragons with my huge sword, I'll probably go back to Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit, seeing as how Criterion Games has just released a patch for the PC version, which adds three new cars to the roster.

Hopefully, lots of other people will install the patch, so that I can enjoy some intense multiplayer matches.