Apr 15, 2011 20:41 GMT  ·  By

Andrei Dumitrescu: How long can one Facebook game hold my attention? At the moment Dragon Age: Legends, the game that BioWare created with EA 2D, has managed to keep me occupied for more than one month and continues to offer challenges and surprises.

I have written about how the Legends experience is carefully built to allow a determined player to get content without paying anything while allowing anyone that is more casual to pay to get the number of game items needed to progress.

And this weekend I plan to go through a serious recruitment drive and lure some more friends to the game, hopefully convincing them to create capable heroes that can help in the long term.

So I will basically be playing a real life persuasion game based upon a virtual world Facebook experience.

And, while I mingle, I will also devote time to my Getai focused Europa Barbarorum powered campaign in Rome: Total War.

Andrei Dobra: The end of the week will be filled by Anomaly Warzone Earth, and, if Valve stays true to its word and releases Portal 2 early, with its brand new puzzle platformer.

I've already posted a quick look and a gamer diary about Anomaly Warzone Earth earlier this week, and I have to say that while I wasn't attracted to it at first, the title, which requires both split second reactions and sharp strategy skills is beginning to grow on me.

Although the game is a bit hard, especially after the first few missions, I'll no doubt have quite a lot of fun with this reverse tower defense title.

If Valve isn't going to release Portal 2 earlier than expected, then I'll probably continue playing Yakuza 4, as there are still quite a lot of things I can do in its wide and quite weird open world.