Players will be able to track them down and maybe play them

Feb 17, 2012 14:12 GMT  ·  By

Video game publisher Electronic Arts is promoting its space-based role-playing and action mix Mass Effect 3 by literally taking the series to space via a number of weather balloons that will be launched from locations in New York, London, Paris, Las Vegas and San Francisco.

The balloons are designed to reach the upper edge of the atmosphere and will then fall down to the ground, equipped with GPS tracking devices which will allow intrepid gamers to reach them and then keep the copies as souvenirs.

It is not clear whether the game disks will remain playable after their space trek, but the publisher is promising new and tracking data on the official website of Mass Effect 3.

The BioWare made adventure, the last outing for Commander Shepard, has a launch date of March 6 in North America and March 9 in Europe, with the game playable on the PC, the PlayStation 3 and the PC.