Says that it is not working in any way with series creator

Dec 19, 2011 18:01 GMT  ·  By

Despite claims from the original creator of the Ultima series publisher Electronic Arts says that it has no plans to work with him in any way on current or on future titles based on the franchise.

Speaking earlier during the week Richard Garriott stated, “I would love to have access to the Ultima property. We’ve had discussions at very high levels with Electronic Arts about access to the property. We’re in discussions with Electronic Arts even now about a possible marketing and distribution relationships and things of this nature.”

But Jeff Brown, who is in charge of corporate communications for EA, told IndustryGamers that, “No one at EA is discussing partnership or licensing opportunities related to the Ultima Online franchise.”

At the moment the main game linked to the series is Lord of Ultima, a browser based and free to play game that combined mechanics from the real time strategy and the MMO genres.