Players will have plenty of unique areas to explore

Dec 27, 2013 23:36 GMT  ·  By

Brian Wheeler, one of the developers working on The Elder Scrolls Online, says that the areas the team at ZeniMax Online are creating for the MMO are larger than players are expecting from a title in the genre.

In a larger Questions & Answers session on the Elitistjerks forums he explains that, “Cyrodiil is very very large! On foot it would take you roughly 20-30 minutes to cross it from north to south.”

The developer also explains that the province will be very similar to its incarnation in Oblivion and that gamers will have plenty of in-game sources of lore that can tell them more about climate change, Tiber Septim and jungles.

The Elder Scrolls Online will be out on the PC on April 4 of 2014 and in June on the Xbox One from Microsoft and the PlayStation 4 from Sony.

The MMO is designed to focus on complex characters progression and on Player versus Player mechanics.