More details on full expansion will be offered in March

Feb 24, 2012 09:20 GMT  ·  By

The developers at CCP Online who are working on the MMO EVE Online have announced that they are planning to launch a number of smaller, incremental updates for the video game before the launch of the Inferno expansion, which is set to arrive later during 2012.

CCP Uniflex, which is the handle of Jon Lander, who is the senior producer working on EVE Online, has posted on the official forums saying that updates will be delivered in February, March and April.

More information on Inferno will apparently be delivered at the Fanfest that CCP will organize in March.

The post from Lander also states, “There, you will be able to get quite cozy with your favorite devs and find out the real lowdown on EVE. This year, Fanfest will be at a bigger, better venue right in the social epicenter of downtown Reykjavik, allowing us to bring more EVE to Fanfest than ever before as well as some sneak previews of DUST 514, including the first-ever hands-on demo.