The launch date celebrates the 10-year anniversary of EVE Online

Mar 27, 2013 13:41 GMT  ·  By

The development team at CCP says that it will launch a new build for Dust 514 called Uprising, on May 6, giving PlayStation 3 gamers a number of new options linked to the shooter MMO.

The team says that Uprising is the biggest update yet for the game and the launch date was chosen to celebrate the 10-year anniversary since the launch of EVE Online.

The two MMOs share a game universe and the starship-bound players will be able to set out missions and rewards for those fighting on the ground.

Hilmar Veigar Petursson, the chief executive officer at CCP, states, “Now our teams will continue to lay down more tracks between EVE Online and DUST 514 which will then be galvanized by our players every step of the way, inspiring us to go ever further.”