Their role in the new Inquisition has not been confirmed

Mar 27, 2014 22:00 GMT  ·  By

The development team at BioWare working on the new Dragon Age: Inquisition is delivering a new video for the game, which stars well-known series actors Claudia Black and Brian Bloom talking about how important voice work is for the character they portray.

The pair offers information on how they approach their recording sessions and some insight into how Morrigan and Varric are brought to life.

But the two actors are very careful not to give any actual details about how their characters might fit into the story that will be told in the upcoming Dragon Age: Inquisition.

BioWare has teased some story details about the coming title, but the team plans to offer more details as launch date draws near.

Dragon Age: Inquisition will be launched in the fall of this year on the PC, the PlayStation 4 from Sony and the Xbox One from Microsoft.

At the moment, we only know that the core conflict is centered around a tear in the Fade that needs to be closed to stop demons from coming into the world of men.

At the same time, the gamer-controlled characters need to find a way to create a lasting peace between the Chantry, the Templars and the Mages.