Leaping Shot sounds like it's fun to use

Sep 24, 2014 06:00 GMT  ·  By

Dragon Age: Inquisition continues to tease players with tidbits of information about the skills that some of the in-game classes will use, with BioWare only showing fans of the title a limited selection in order to keep some surprises in reserve for launch day.

Archers are sometimes the forgotten members of a gamer’s party, not as hard hitting as front line fighters or as versatile as mages, but it seems that the developers have spent some time preparing some new powers for them to use.

Dragon Age: Inquisition will allow rogues specializing in long-range attacks to use Long Shot, Explosive Shot, Full Draw and Leaping Shot, designed to be effective against a wide variety of targets.

The role-playing experience will ask gamers to carefully balance their party and to mix and match skills in order to deal with a wide array of enemy types.

BioWare says that positioning will play an important role in the title and a new resource has been added, based on the efficiency of the team, which can power a number of powerful abilities.

Dragon Age: Inquisition will be launched on the PC, the PlayStation 4, the Xbox One and last-gen consoles on November 18 of this year.