The team wants to include only relevant characters

Oct 14, 2013 14:24 GMT  ·  By

Jonathan Perry, the cinematic director working on Dragon Age: Inquisition, says that his team has been careful to craft believable relationships between all the series’ characters that are returning for this third installment.

He tells Gamerzines that BioWare chose to give limited roles to Leliana, Morrigan and Alastair because they do not have a clear link to the new main character.

At the same time, “Varric and Cassandra working together as part of the Inquisition is a really interesting twist. In Dragon Age II we had all these situations with them in that dark room, where she’s interrogating Varric, and he’s just spinning these wild tales!”

Dragon Age: Inquisition will also introduce new characters for gamers to explore and slot into their tactical plans.

The role-playing game will see players deal with a Fade tear and the conflict between the Templars and the Mages at the same time.

Launch is scheduled for late 2014.