Mar 17, 2011 12:35 GMT  ·  By

BioWare may have missed some opportunities with its latest Dragon Age 2 title, especially with the Qunari civilization which, even if it was central to the story, didn't receive any cohesive background, but the Canadian developer struck gold once more with the companions found in the game by the main protagonist, Hawke.

Companions can pretty much make or break the experience of a game, but BioWare has added some very interesting characters to Dragon Age 2, even better than the ones in the first title, Dragon Age: Origins.

The most memorable is Varric, a surface dwarf that impresses by the fact that he doesn't have any sort of beard, unlike his fellow race members, and sports a unique crossbow he affectionately calls Bianca.

Varric's role is extremely important, however, as he is the actual narrator of Hawke's events, retelling the story of how he or she, depending on your gender choice, becomes the Champion of Kirkwall.

Other characters are also quite memorable, including Isabela, the pirate that first appeared briefly in Dragon Age: Origins, who now brings her own unique talents to Hawke's adventures.

Anders has returned from Origins' Awakening expansion, continuing his story and showcasing some major changes as opposed to the happy-go-lucky mage we saw in the popular add-on.

Another returning character is Merril, an elf who was encountered in the first game's Dalish Elf Origin. She is a now a full pledged mage with some very powerful skills.

Fresh characters were also added by BioWare, including Aveline, a female warrior that wants to honor her dead husband's memory, Fenris, an elf warrior with a troubled past, or Sebastian, who is only accessible if you have the Exiled Prince DLC.

Depending on your class choice, Hawke also gets to spend time with his sister, Bethany, or brother, Carver.

But what really makes the companions in Dragon Age 2 stand out from the ones in Origins is that they have better backstories and really grow as characters from the start of Hawke's story and until its end.

The 10-year narrative impacts Hawke and the city of Kirkwall, but also his/her friends, who undergo some special changes and see their goals completed alongside the hero.