The game world will be more interesting and better populated

Apr 26, 2013 21:59 GMT  ·  By

The development team at Larian Studios announces that its Kickstarter drive for Divinity: Original Sin has ended successfully, with fans contributing enough to achieve all the stretch goals that were announced for the game.

To celebrate the occasion, a new video is available showing a retrospection of the crowd funding effort.

Thanks to the money contributed by gamers, Divinity will have deeper characters, with extra talents that will showcase their backgrounds and unique personalities.

The henchmen turn into companions, with their own set of goals and with actual personalities that determine how they react to the game world.

The final stretch goal means that Divinity: Original Sin will also have a day-night cycle and schedules for all NPCs.

Divinity: Origin Sin is expected to launch exclusively on the PC in November this year.