The world created by Larian is filled with potential choices

Oct 11, 2013 23:31 GMT  ·  By

The development team at Larian Studios is releasing a new video linked to their strategy title Divinity: Dragon Commander which shows the way the community of players has approached the many political decisions one can make in the game.

The studio says, “Watch what the ruling factions of Rivellon have to say about the public vote, and wonder what it would mean for the world if Dragon Commanders were in charge.”

Dragon Commander allows players to decide on how the realm they rule should approach a variety of questions, from whether children should be able to smoke to the way torture needs to be handled.

Larian is continuing to deliver patches for its title in order to make sure that the experience is the best it can be.

Dragon Commander can also be bought on Steam and GOG with a 40 percent price cut.