The update includes new campaign features, global chat and more

Oct 10, 2013 12:40 GMT  ·  By

The latest Divinity: Dragon Commander Patch introduces a variety of new features to players around the world.

The 1.0.124 patch includes a new report system that offers users details concerning their performance in battle as well as a gift system that gives the possibility to give units, resources and even buildings to your allies, therefore improving multilayer campaigns.

Also, a global system chat has been added as well as numerous community request such as new cursors, improving the connection for UPNP devices, the possibility to remap keyboards shortcuts for building units and buildings, allowing gamers to enable or disable the golden dragon and even re-balancing difficulty.

The developers have made changes to the exploit for cards on strategy map and to the population defecting. Also, the custom game setting ”FFA AI'S always join battle” has been fixed.

Therefore, you will be able to experience an improved Divinity: Dragon Commander and take full advantage of the latest features from the 1.0.124 patch.