Later in the year, Marvel will be added, with The Avengers leading the way

May 14, 2014 06:04 GMT  ·  By

The development team at Disney working on its Disney Infinity mix of video games and toys is teasing new content for the title, which will almost surely include a Maleficent-themed adventure and a new figurine, but might also involve more Sleeping Beauty content.

The information comes from the official Twitter account for the game, but the studio is not yet ready to offer any sort of details about it, other than the fact that it will be wicked.

A Maleficent movie, which stars Angelina Jolie, will be launched this month all over the world and Disney will probably deliver the game content before the end of May.

Later in 2014, the company has already confirmed that toys and adventures based on the Marvel comic book universe will be launched, starting with the members of The Avengers superhero group.

Disney Infinity needs to deliver a constant stream of new characters and concepts in order to keep fans involved and continue to compete with the similar Skylanders franchise from Activision.

Nintendo might soon deliver a similar experience for the Wii U and the 3DS.

Disney has also suggested that content based on the Star Wars franchise will be added, presumably when the new movie finally hits theaters at some point in 2015.