The controllers might power some new gameplay mechanics

Oct 31, 2013 15:03 GMT  ·  By

Video game developer Bungie apparently has plans to use the Kinect motion tracking system for the Xbox One and the touch pad of the DualShock 4 on the PlayStation 4 for some gameplay mechanics.

David Dague, the community manager working at the company, tells Desti-Nation that his team has access to developer kits for both devices and is testing out ideas at the moment.

He states, “We are playing with them and seeing what these new systems have to provide. You’ll understand those plans once you get the controller in your hand, until then it’s all a matter of development.”

Generally, the shooter genre has focused on delivering a solid scheme that uses the traditional controllers of consoles and has not used other peripherals in order to make sure that it does not split the player base.

Destiny represents a new type of social shooter that’s expected to arrive on the Xbox One, the PlayStation 4 and current-gen devices in 2014.