The team wants to show players how easy it is to run a public event

Jun 11, 2013 07:27 GMT  ·  By

A new trailer was not enough for the team at Bungie, so at E3 2013, they are also launching a demo for their upcoming Destiny. This is designed to show some of the core gameplay mechanics for the first-person shooter and how easy it is for players to join a public event.

The setting for the battle is a deserted Earth in the far future, after a catastrophic battle scoured the planet.

The demo shows players in Destiny fighting a number of interesting Fallen enemies, picking up loot that is suited for each character build and exploring a world that seems created to impress fans of the older Halo series.

Fans have also talked about an overall look that seems similar to that of Borderlands.

Destiny will be out in 2014 and PlayStation 4 players will have exclusive content access.