The team plans to launch exclusive content on the Sony console

Oct 31, 2013 13:04 GMT  ·  By

The development team at Bungie is delivering more information about the way weapons will work in their upcoming Destiny and about the leveling and the clan mechanics in an exclusive new video linked to the PlayStation 4.

The team explains to PlayStation Access that they are envisioning a world where each piece of equipment has a history and can contribute to the lore of the game.

Destiny is a shooter that relies heavily on interaction with other players and that means it also has a solid clan structure, with rewards for those who are willing to work together.

Bungie has already announced that the PlayStation version of its title will get access to some exclusive content.

Destiny will be launched on the current generation of consoles, the Xbox One and the PlayStation 4 in the second quarter of 2014.

A beta is expected to take place a few months earlier.