The game is inspired by Dungeon Master and Wizardry

Apr 17, 2013 09:26 GMT  ·  By

Guido Henkel, one of the producers who contributed to the legendary Planescape: Torment, is working on a new role-playing game project called Deasthfire, which will use a first-person view and will focus on party-based gameplay.

The developer says that he wants to create an experience that’s similar to Dungeon Master and the new Legend of Grimrock, with a bigger focus on telling a deep story and introducing magic features.

Henkel says on the official site of the game that, “Our intentions are to push the envelope on what has been done with stepped role-playing games in the past. I feel that there is a huge untapped potential how that gaming experience can be enhanced.”

Deathfire already has a character generation engine and the team also has clear ideas for their progression, with 34 traits already mapped out.

The developer has already seen one Kickstarter project fail to acquire funding and it is yet unclear how he plans to get the resources to flesh out Deathfire.