The violent game won't be released because of its violence

Oct 12, 2013 13:21 GMT  ·  By

Microsoft has confirmed that it won't be releasing Dead Rising 3 in Germany this November, alongside the Xbox One, as the game has been banned by the country's entertainment software ratings board.

Germany has quite a reputation for its harsh stance on video game violence, often banning titles or requiring major changes so that they can be sold by stores throughout the country.

The latest game to be denied classification is Dead Rising 3, as Microsoft has confirmed to Destructoid that Capcom's zombie title won't be launched in Germany, after it was banned by the BPjM (Bundeprüfstelle für jugendgefährende Medien).

A concrete reason for the ban wasn't confirmed by Microsoft but, considering both Dead Rising 1 and 2 were banned in Germany, the over the top violence might have had something to do with it.