Players will benefit from knowing more about their favorite experiences

May 7, 2013 23:31 GMT  ·  By

Sony has recently announced that developers will be able to turn off the Share button of the PlayStation 4 console, but at least one team actually wants players to experience as much of a game as possible in the company of friends.

David Cage, the leader of the Quantic Dream studio, tells Kotaku that, “We want that ‘water cooler effect’. We had it on Heavy Rain. People talked about it, and they said, ‘I did this. What did you do?’.”

The developer is not worried about spoiling the experience for other players and believes that gamers who want to get through a game without knowing anything about it will be able to avoid shared content.

Beyond: Two Souls will be launched on the PlayStation 3 this year.

Quantic Dream is also rumored to have another PlayStation 4 title in development.