Players will be able to deal more elemental damage via new skills

May 2, 2013 06:53 GMT  ·  By

The team at Valve in charge of DOTA 2 is launching yet another patch for the Multiplayer Online Battle Arena title and the big news is that one of the creators of the game universe is joining the cast of characters.

The Elder Titan lore, available on the official wiki of the game, talks about the creation of the DOTA 2 universe and its characteristics.

The team states, “He spends his time forever seeking a way to accomplish the repairs, that he might rejoin the parts of his broken soul, that we and the world alike might all be mended.”

Valve is also adding various enhancements to the user interface, designed to make it easier for players to be spectators, while simplifying the process of setting up matches and tournaments.

A full list of changes is available on the official DOTA 2 development forums.