The team is still happy with the feedback coming from testers

Oct 18, 2013 09:08 GMT  ·  By

Patrick Bach, the leading producer working on Battlefield 4, says that many of the issues that fans reported during the beta for the first-person shooter have already been fixed because the build used was already out of date.

He praised gamers by telling that, “In the first hour of the beta we got more playtesting than we’d have previously during the entire project. The feedback you get is huge.”

DICE now has a list of problems coming from the community and an internal list, and is comparing both in order to make sure that the final version has very few  issues when launch finally takes place.

The team says that its title will not suffer from the bugs that the GTA Online experience from Rockstar had when it was released on October 1.

The studio also has published a full list of the changes that Battlefield 4 got after beta.