The German tech dev is Virtuix's main competitor in the omnidirectional treadmill arena

Feb 4, 2014 09:32 GMT  ·  By

Cyberith has released a new video that showcases their omnidirectional treadmill's capability to immerse players in a VR world, using Bethesda's Skyrim for illustration purposes.

Equipped with what every Skyrim adventurer needs in his journeys throughout the land, meaning an Oculus Rift, Wiimote and Wii Nunchuck, Cyberith's Tuncay Cakmak starts living the dream, running around terrorizing the citizens of Whiterun.

This looks like the closest thing we will ever get to actually being in Skyrim, and it certainly looks like a far more engaging experience than just falling asleep on the couch with a controller in hand.

German tech developer Cyberith's Virtualizer appears to be the main competitor to Virtuix' Omni omnidirectional gaming treadmill, joining the trend of attempting to turn gamers into athletes, or at least healthier regular folk.

The Virtualizer is currently not available for purchase, bug given the fact that it sells separately from the Oculus Rift and motion controls, virtual reality gaming is going to turn out quite pricey.