Apr 7, 2011 13:10 GMT  ·  By

Crysis 2 is a very good game, which is why we gave it an impressive 9/10 in our review that appeared yesterday.

The gameplay manages to cater to a lot of tastes, with the upgraded nanosuit and the array of weapons drawing in quite a lot of players.

Sadly, the game's biggest flaw is its story, which, although trying to make some sense and actually deliver a worthy narrative than the original Crysis and its spinoff, Crysis: Warhead, is much too complicated for its own good.

You play as a US Marine, codenamed Alcatraz, who gets the nanosuit from Prophet, one of the characters from the first two games.

After that, throughout the whole game's campaign, you'll be forced to complete orders from various characters, ranging from your former Marine commander to a hippie-like scientist, a deranged industrialist or even a CIA agent.

While Crysis 2 is in no short supply of characters, all of them, sadly, are one-dimensional, bicker with each other almost all the time and always bark orders at the player like he's just some sort of puppet for them.

I think most players will realize that they're the last hope of mankind in the front of the evil Ceph alien-like creatures, so non-playable characters should stop doing things like yelling out orders all the time at the player and always push him forward with desperate statements.

The conflicts between these characters are pretty decent, but you can't really figure them out unless you really pay attention to the story and follow their various motives throughout the narrative.

Crytek, the developer of Crysis 2, wanted to make an experience akin to the iconic Half Life 2, by keeping the player fully immersed, not once taking his view out of first person and delivering a silent protagonist, in the form of the Gordon Freeman-like Alcatraz.

Sadly, through the complicated story and the continuous delivery of plot elements from all the characters involved, Crysis 2 falls short of achieving the success of Half Life 2, even if its gameplay is quite close to Valve's stunning title.