Mods and humor simply make everything better

Mar 14, 2015 18:39 GMT  ·  By

Having access to a wide range of mods for your favorite video game can be a pretty enjoyable experience, and being a tad insane can also make your life more interesting.

In his latest video, YouTube user videogamedunkey shows us how good it is to enjoy both worlds, presenting some of the craziest mods developed for Bethesda’s The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

Skyrim is almost single-handedly responsibly for making the expansive single-player role-playing game genre popular again, with its mix of exciting gameplay mechanics, interesting mythos, and rich open-world setting.

The game features a ton of great content, including a narrative where the bad guys aren’t as clear cut as they usually are in such titles. It’s less “here’s a sword, stick it in everything wearing horns,” and more “I hope you’re not going to bribe, steal, lie and murder your way through the continent.”

Understandably, the game gained quite a following, and many users spent a lot of time creating stuff for it, ranging from high-resolution texture packs to crazy stuff like having all the dragons replaced by Thomas the Tank Engine.

Ever wonder what the fantasy setting of Skyrim was missing? Why, flying trains, werewolves, a giant version of Tails from the Sonic games, a crab with a monocle and a top hat, and some hilarious commentary.