The game has managed to attract more than 1 million players

Jul 17, 2012 09:26 GMT  ·  By

Publisher Electronic Arts and developer EA Phenomic have announced that two months after the official launch date Command & Conquer: Tiberium Alliances has managed to attract more than one million registered players.

To celebrate the occasion, the companies are giving away 1,000,000 Starter Packs to both GDI and Nod players as long as they use the HMKV-VWGN-8GEH-6BTZ code before July 20.

The Starter Pack includes:

- +1 Bonus Package Storage for a 7 day period - one Command Point Supply Crate - four Tiberium Supply Crates from player rank 2-5 - four Crystal Supply Crates from player rank 2-5 - four Credit Supply Crates from player rank 2-5 - four Power Supply Crates from player rank 2-5.

Command & Conquer: Tiberium Alliances is a free-to-play and browser-based video game that uses the well-known strategy universe to create an experience that appeals to a wider category of players.

We took a Quick Look at the game back when it was in beta.