Club Nintendo U.S. members can swap their coins for downloadable games

Jan 12, 2012 19:31 GMT  ·  By

Club Nintendo members from the U.S. can take advantage of some really impressive rewards for their activity, with digital versions of classic titles from the Legend of Zelda or Mario franchises being offered until the end of the month.

Club Nintendo is a website where owners of consoles from the Japanese company can accumulate Coins for their activity. These coins can be spent on all sorts of goodies, from wallpapers to digital games.

From now and until the end of the month, Nintendo is offering some special rewards that include high quality titles released through the WiiWare or DSiWare online systems.

These games range from The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask to Dr. Mario Express, both available on the Wii through WiiWare. 3DS owners can get Dr. Mario Express or Kirby’s Dream Land for their console through the DSiWare service.

For a complete list of rewards that are now offered to Club Nintendo users from the U.S., check out this official website.