The series is already renowned for the variety it offers

Jun 27, 2014 06:05 GMT  ·  By

The Civilization series has always been one of the franchises with the highest replay value in the world of gaming, with players able to choose between a variety of factions and a number of victory conditions in order to make each game unique.

Dennis Shirk, a senior producer working on the upcoming Beyond Earth installment, says that the new tech web that Firaxis is creating will enhance the options a gamer has even more and will challenge him to choose how to shape his civilization.

He tells PCPowerplay that, “you are really in the future now and in uncharted territory. So when you start out you are in the middle of the technology web, rather than on a linear technology tree. It will change the very look of what your civ looks like.”

The tech tree is gone and once players start a match of Civilization: Beyond Earth, they will be in the center of a web that places familiar ideas, like habitation, survival and exploration, close to them.

As the game progresses, the concepts become more far-fetched, based on real-world intuitions combined with science fiction, and Firaxis wants gamers to actively evaluate each possible discovery and the way it will affect a faction.

Civilization: Beyond Earth will be launched before the end of the year.