Gamers can learn how to approach the early game

Sep 29, 2014 07:39 GMT  ·  By

The developers at Firaxis working on Civilization: Beyond Earth are delivering yet another video related to the video game that’s designed to show gamers a range of strategies that they will be able to use with the various factions included.

The Twitch stream is interesting because, for the first time, the team is willing to show the variety that can arise during gameplay even if the gamer tries to use the same approach to the early game.

Civilization: Beyond Earth is a turn-based strategy game that takes players to an entirely new planet and asks them to decide how they want to shape its future, dealing with both rival human entities and the original alien flora and fauna.

The footage includes a look at the factions and the way their strengths and weaknesses will be present in the strategy title.

Firaxis says that, depending on the early choices that they make, players will be able to have a very different gameplay experience.

The title is set to use the main elements of the Civilization mechanics while introducing major changes to some of them, including an entirely new web-based tech interface, Favors for diplomacy and new layers that can be used in combat.

Civilization: Beyond Earth will be out only on the PC on October 24.