Future videos will show mid and late game action

Oct 3, 2014 06:27 GMT  ·  By

Civilization: Beyond Earth is one of the biggest strategy-related launches of the fall season and the development team working on it at Firaxis is keen to show players the core features of the game, so a new Twitch stream is designed to take the nation of Brasilia and see how it can perform over the entire length of the title.

The action starts at the 17 minute mark and gamers who watch the entire video will be able to see how planetfall works, as well as a number of strategies to deal with the initial challenges linked to colony creation and the presence of the alien fauna and flora.

Civilization: Beyond Earth is a turn-based experience which retains many of the core ideas of the series it is part of, including the one military unit per hex rule and the focus on careful planning.

At the same time, Firaxis is changing some other mechanics, introducing a new tech web, adding a new Favors concept for diplomacy and giving players more choices on how to develop their faction based on both technology and their vision about the future of humanity.

Civilization: Beyond Earth will be out on the PC on October 24 of this year and those who pre-order it will get access to a range of new maps based on varied exoplanet environments.