The upcoming strategy game is meant as a spiritual successor to Alpha Centauri

Jul 3, 2014 14:17 GMT  ·  By

Firaxis Games has just announced the release date for Civilization: Beyond Earth to be October 24 this year, and pre-orders for the game are now open on the game's online store.

Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth aims to be a sort of spiritual successor to the wildly acclaimed Alpha Centauri, for which Firaxis unfortunately does not hold the rights.

While the upcoming turn-based strategy game will bear some similarities to Alpha Centauri, it's designed in a much more optimistic way, in order to align itself with the core Civilization mantra of hope and evolution towards a better future.

The game offers a very interesting experience that follows humanity's footsteps beyond its birthplace and into the stars, and for the first time in the series offers a branching tech tree that allows gamers to explore different routes to success, rather than simply choosing the order in which they get each advancement.

Pre-orders for the game are now open on the Civilization website, and those who opt to buy it early will nab a nice treat, in the form of the Exoplanets Map Pack. The developer hasn't yet provided any information as to what exactly is inside the pack or how the exoplanets will differ from the biomes revealed so far, but we'll keep our ears open and come back with the details once Firaxis provides them.

Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth is coming out on October 24, 2014, for the Windows PC, Mac and Linux platforms.