The developer livestream shows the beginning phase of a new game

Aug 8, 2014 12:10 GMT  ·  By

Pete Murray from Firaxis treated fans of the upcoming turn-based strategy game Civilization: Beyond Earth with a lengthy livestream showing the beginning part of a game.

Thankfully, the livestream managed to find its way to YouTube, and now everyone who missed it can see the glimpse of gameplay that the Associate Producer offered us. The entire video is quite lengthy, so it was cut down into three different segments.

The gameplay, originally broadcast on Twitch, offers us a closer look at some of the upcoming strategy title's systems, such as the technology web, replacing the traditional tech tree, as well as the Virtues system that replaces the old Social Policies.

The focus of the gameplay session, showing the start of a regular game, is on early exploration and on the interactions with the local wildlife. Over the course of the video, Murray plays the same game twice, showing everyone how the alien life forms respond when confronted with either aggressive or non-aggressive behavior from the player.

Pete Murray also takes the time to explain the differences between the alien life forms in Beyond Earth and the Barbarian hordes in Civilization V, showing how the wildlife on the alien planet is more than just a roaming enemy that you have to clear before settling down.

Civilization: Beyond Earth is coming out on October 24, for the Windows PC, Mac and Linux platforms.