The game is hailed as the Holy Grail of city builders

Mar 12, 2015 13:02 GMT  ·  By

Cities: Skyline fills the void that SimCity 2013 left in many fans of city building and simulation video games, so much so that it soared to an unexpected level of popularity.

The video game has been met with an overwhelmingly positive reception on Steam, and it already has more than 3,000 custom-made content pieces, a mere day after its release.

Judging by the amount of early enthusiasm surrounding Colossal Order's game, it's a pretty safe bet that Cities: Skylines' longevity is guaranteed.

The game offers a solid experience, allowing gamers to plan, build and manage a virtual city. The game has a ton of complex features and brings the kind of in-depth simulation that fans of the genre are always looking for, as well as some of the unavoidable tropes that make everything exciting and fun to play.

Many long-time fans of the city building genre swear by Cities: Skylines, and you can tell that it hits all the right notes just by taking a look at the ever-growing library of community-created mods for it.

At the time of writing, there are 3,403 entries in the title's Steam Workshop, introducing a ton of stuff, from custom buildings such as the Annunciation Cathedral and the Maastricht City Hall, to more general-purpose creations like elevated roundabouts for automobiles and pedestrians.