New XBLA bound indie game will have melting skin, dual wileding

Jan 10, 2012 18:01 GMT  ·  By

The developer of well received XBLA title Dishwater: Dead Samurai has offered some details on his upcoming project, saying that it has moved away from his initial intentions and is now linked to a number of over the top acts of violence.

Speaking to Joystiq James Silva, who is the leader of the Ska Stiudios, has stated, “Charlie Murder did something weird, if not entirely unexpected, in development. Now there’s wall-spike impalement, melting skin, dual-wielding severed arms, curb-stomp executions – it’s a huge departure from the original version I planned for XBLIG, and I’m loving how it’s turning out. Turns out melting skin off isn’t just entertaining, but adds a whole new dimension of gameplay!”

The developer has not said when the new game will be launched or which distribution channel the video game developer will use to get it to players, but the Xbox Live Arcade from Microsoft is a good bet, with the PlayStation Network being another possibility.