It seems that the title would have been gritty and realistic

May 19, 2015 16:32 GMT  ·  By

The teams at id Software and Bethesda in charge of Doom have recently delivered a very short teaser video for the coming new title in the long-running franchise, with a full reveal set to be delivered during the coming E3 2015 event.

But the company has already canceled an alternate take on the same concept at some point in 2013, and now we can take a short look at it courtesy of the highlight reel of cinematics director Mark Bristol.

The developer is no longer working at id Software, and it seems that the project has been entirely scrapped by the publisher.

The footage is fairly limited but does suggest that Doom would have been a grittier experience with a more modern set of mechanics, although the details are hard to see.

No information about the coming title in the series has been offered so far.

Doom was the first shooter that captured the attention of the masses, and since then, it has been seen as a barometer for the future of the genre.

It will be interesting to see how id Software and Bethesda will try to keep the classic elements of the series while also making the game appealing for modern gamers.