The package also includes the Freefall dynamic map and double XP

Oct 17, 2013 06:53 GMT  ·  By

Video game developer Infinity Ward and publisher Activision announce that they are adding new pre-order bonuses for all those who buy Call of Duty: Ghosts before the official launch date, with gamers now able to get access to a skin based on Modern Warfare 2 character Simon Riley, aka Ghost.

At the moment, the offer seems to be available only for those who get the game from retail chain GameStop and the pre-order also includes access to a new dynamic map called Freefall and a double experience period for the launch weekend.

Despite the addition of the Modern Warfare 2 Simon Riley skin, there’s no narrative link between the new Ghosts timeline and the events that took place in previous games using the Call of Duty name.

The new shooter will be launched on November 5 all over the world on the PC, the Wii U and current-gen consoles and versions are also planned for the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One.