The team is making sure that it is bringing innovation to the genre

Sep 1, 2013 21:59 GMT  ·  By

Mark Rubin, the executive producer working on Call of Duty: Ghosts, believes that his game is ready to face the challenge set by the upcoming Destiny, from Bungie, and Titanfall, from Respawn Entertainment.

Both games are designed to enhance the shooter experience with story and social elements, but Infinity Ward is still able to make the core experience interesting.

The developer tells Edge that "There is a lot of pressure there. It would, in a sense, just be easier for us to go just make a brand new game that isn’t Call Of Duty, that doesn’t have any limitations. That would be the easy way out."

Rubin says his team has the ability to change the familiar Call of Duty formula enough to make it interesting but also needs to make sure that the end result is familiar enough to appeal to long term fans.

Call of Duty: Ghosts will be launched on November 5 on the PC and on current-gen consoles.