Quite a few things are addressed by the small patch

Nov 23, 2013 06:04 GMT  ·  By

A brand new Call of Duty: Ghosts hot fix update has just gone live across all platforms (PC, PS3, Xbox 360, Wii U, PS4, and Xbox One) solving a few different exploits, bugs, and glitches.

Call of Duty: Ghosts came out at the beginning of the month but, unfortunately for fans, it was plagued by quite a lot of issues across all platforms, prompting developer Infinity Ward to start launching various patches.

Now, a new set of hot fix tweaks have been implemented for the game's multiplayer, fixing a few different problems, so check out the changelog below, via the official forums.

Hot fix November 23 - Fixed squad point exploit. - Fixed trinity rocket issue which left player in laptop if enemy ground jammer was called at the same moment. - Fixed portal exploit in Blitz. - Fixed stability issue when using the trophy system, “more than 192 bones” fix. - Fix for Search and Rescue exploit using worldspawn damage to produce tag.

The brand new update will be applied when you start the multiplayer mode and are connected to the internet.