They will decide how they plan to engage with the shooter

Aug 5, 2014 06:07 GMT  ·  By

The development team at Bungie says that it will not initially focus on supporting any sort of eSports presence for its upcoming Destiny and that it will allow the game to grow organically and for the community to decide whether it aims to move into the competitive space.

An official blog post from the company states that “It’s hubris to think that you’re building an esport. Job number one is for us to build a place where you believe in the battles you fight. We need for you to care about what happens there enough to wonder who is the best.”

Bungie is clearly referring to the efforts of some modern developers to create an eSports scene even before the actual launch has taken place.

The beta for Destiny included only a limited set of PvP mechanics, but many more will be offered in the full launch for those who are interested in them.

Destiny will be launched on September 9 on the PlayStation 4 from Sony, the Xbox One from Microsoft and last-gen consoles.

PC gamers might not get the title on the same date, but rumors are saying that a port is in development and will be revealed and launched before the end of the year.