Customization will ensure that no two guns are the same

Sep 5, 2013 11:29 GMT  ·  By

David Dague, a community manager at Bungie, says that his team is creating a set of mechanics for Destiny that will see all weapons acquired by a player evolve as they are used, based on the gameplay preferences of the gamer.

The developer tells the PlayStation Blog that, “Those weapons are available to all of the players but they will have to go out and find them. They will have to go out and defeat enemies to complete their missions, to acquire those weapons and include them in their inventory.”

Three weapons can be equipped in Destiny at any time and a player has extensive ways to customize them to fit his combat strategy.

Bungie is also interested in making sure that two players who equip the same gun do not have the same experience when using it.

Destiny will be launched on the current generation of consoles, the Xbox One and the PlayStation 4 next year.